Who can participate in the Fitness Challenge?2025-02-26T16:02:08+00:00

the competition is open to high schools across the country. We typically work with Physical Education, Weightlifting, Health, and JROTC students, but all classes are welcome to participate!

What kind of exercises to the students participate in?2025-02-26T15:57:33+00:00

Our four Fitness stations are modeled after Marine training exercises, adapted to be challenging yet accessible for nearly all students.

How can we see where our school stands in the ranking?2025-02-26T15:56:33+00:00

Head over to the Leaderboard page to see this years current standings!

Does this cost my school anything?2025-02-26T15:54:53+00:00

The Marine Corps Fitness Challenge is completely free for your school! In fact, the school with the fastest time at the end of the 2025 year will receive $1,000 for their PE program!

How much space do we need to provide?2025-02-26T15:53:49+00:00

The Fitness Challenge team is equipped to run the challenge in most spaces provided, and will use whatever space is available!

Can we have the Fitness Challenge on multiple days?2025-02-26T15:51:13+00:00

The Fitness Challenge runs for one day only, per school due to the number of schools that are visited throughout the year.

How do I get started?

Submit your School to Join the Challenge and join the hundreds of schools around the country to keep your students active and encourage Fitness!

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